Being Broke is No Joke

I think if I had anything worthwile to say in this post, it would be geared towards artists that are spending money to supply a craft or hobby they are interested in without limitation. I speak for myself and its something I’m working through personally, but when it comes to adding to a specific craft or hobbies “materials” its just to easy to keep adding and adding and adding.

That being said, I did go on a small splurge. Both for journaling, crafting and general fandoms that I enjoy (The usual addition to Calico Critters and SH Figurarts Collectibles etc) - but I guess what I’m trying to say is, crafts and handmade deserve a community for resharing materials we’re not using - yes they can get donated, but - they either get marked up unaffordable or destroyed.

Just something that’s been on my mind. I dream of Goddess Grove having a portion of the business dedicated to supply donation and distribution - given my love of logistics, that could be a very fun project to evolve.

If you are following along, thank you - please be sure to check in on my updates here and reach out if you have any requests. I am always up for a good “teach myself how to do it” project and through recycleable items etc, I think we can find a great new area of sustainable art meets community.

I’ll post more soon - finally payday so website is now live again :)


Weaving Magic: Crochet as a meditative practice


Bead By Expression